Lawn, Tree, & Shrub Health

Late summer/fall newsletter

Tips for late summer into fall

Mowing and watering

  • Keep mowing it high until the weather cools. Your lawn should be between 3 and 3 1/2” tall after it is cut but, as we approach mid-September, it’s OK to drop it down lower as the weather cools and the growth rate increases. By the time the leaves start falling, the lawn should be at 2 1/2”. The final cut should be down to 2”. This will reduce the chance of the lawn matting down under snow and having dead spots next spring. It also makes leaf removal easier.

  • Stick to a deep, infrequent watering regimen. Once we hit late September, or we get regular rain and cooler weather, there’s little reason to water the lawn, except for seeded areas.


  • The last month of summer into early fall (end of August – early October) is the absolute best time to seed a lawn for the following reasons:

    • The weather is cooling. This is much less stressful on new seedlings.

    • The potential for rain is greater. Seed will germinate more quickly.

    • Soil temperatures are high. This plays a significant role in good seedling establishment.

    • Less competition from weeds. The summer annual weeds, such as crabgrass, are passed. They will not be around again until next spring, which will give the new grass a great chance to become established with very little competition for food, light, and water.

    • A better start for the lawn next spring. The root systems will be much better established and the new grass will be much better able to compete against any summer weeds.

    Late summer/fall is the “healing” season. All the reasons stated above make it a time for the lawn to recuperate. Burnt and/or diseased areas can more easily fill back in.

    This is an excellent season to core aerate and over-seed the lawn. Aeration punches holes through the thatch layer and into the soil. It loosens the soil and allows the roots to breathe and helps to spur new root and shoot development. This is especially beneficial where turf damage may have occurred due to heat, drought, disease, or other damage. You may also want to cast seed over the aerated areas.

  • WE CAN CORE AERATE YOUR LAWN AND SEED AS NEEDED/DESIRED. You can go to your online account to check pricing or email or call us.