Lawn, Tree, & Shrub Health

Lawn - Disease

It happens.

It’s okay.

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Disease Management

Diseases are usually aggravated by improper watering: 

“The road to The Infernal Reaches is paved with good intentions.”  That phrase usually applies to customers who try to manage turf diseases without proper guidance in how to do it best.

  • Mistake #1:  “I saw my lawn turning brown, so I figured it needed more water.” HUGE mistake!  And the most common one that we encounter. Most fungal diseases LOVE water, moisture, and humidity. You’re just fanning the flames here.

  • Mistake #2:  “I just paid $3000 for this irrigation system and , dammit, I’m gonna run this bad boy until my lawn stays green!” HUGE mistake. Please reference comment from Mistake #1.

  • Mistake #3:  “I’m going to water this several times a day so that my lawn is always getting water, it’s bound to stay green that way.” HUGE mistake. Continue to reference comment from Mistake #1.

Daily watering, and multiple times a day watering, are the worst things you can do to manage fungal diseases, with a few exceptions. There’s a reason that most of our lawns with fungal problems have irrigation systems that are run too often. The trick to managing fungal disease is proper watering. Follow our advice for watering. We leave it every time we service your lawn.

There are some instances where watering, mowing, and fertilizing are all done right and you may still have problems, but those problems are usually manageable and may not require chemical intervention. We can apply fungus controls for more serious cases. Bear in mind that fungus control applications are not a complete cure. They simply control it for a period of about 1 month. They’re like expensive prescription drugs that need to be continued unless conditions change. 

Help us to help you by following our instructions for watering and mowing. We leave them every time we visit your lawn. Or call or email us!

Below are brief descriptions of the more common diseases we encounter.